Plant 40,000 Trees to celebrate IIT Kanpur Diamond Jubilee

Celebrate IIT Kanpur's Diamond Jubilee by planting 40,000 trees, one tree in the name of each IITK alumnus and faculty member

Project 40,000 Trees For IITK-DJC (presentation)
How you can participate (presentation)
Campaign Tracker


Arun KumarDirector at Intel

The 14 Trees project is the work of a visionary IITK alumnus whose passion for turning visions into reality is only surpassed by the rigor of his scientific approach to a grave existential problem of our times. On the surface it might seem like so many other efforts. It is anything but. Pravin Bhagwat’s vision is to show a path for a better future. To restore native ecosystems which thrived on lands before they were made desolate. It is an experiment to show humans can care for and work the land in a way that can reverse trends while providing sustenance to those who depend on it – humans and animals alike. Many of us are very excited about Pravin’s effort because we are convinced that what he has set out to show will be a viable, repeatable way to heal Mother Earth. I wish to thank him for taking up this cause and offer my full support on his journey. A Hebrew Prayer for 14 Trees: “Take pleasure in your land. Bestow abundance upon it from your loving kindness. And strengthen the hands of all who toil in the labor of the holy earth and make her desolate areas fruitful”

Arun Kumar0
Arun Kumar1

Ashutosh JoglekarManaging Director, Wells Fargo

I support 14Trees because it is a truly unique initiative to create sustainable biodiverse ecosystems on arid, barren, abandoned land. Many charities help urban communities and farmers plant trees by providing saplings. Although impactful, this is relatively straightforward to execute and does nothing for land that has been abandoned after decades of misuse. This is the hard problem that 14 Trees has chosen to tackle. Their approach and ambition, the ancillary benefits to local communities, and the commitment, dedication and focus of the founder, my batch-mate Pravin Bhagwat, are exemplary and the early results from the pilot project near Pune are compelling. I am proud to play a tiny part in this effort.

Ashutosh Joglekar0

Prof. Abhay KarandikarDirector, IIT Kanpur

14 Trees Foundation by Dr Pravin Bhagwat bears all the hallmarks of an IITK alumnus's innate scientific precision (down to calculating how many trees will compensate for the CO2 you breathe out in a lifetime - 14) to a developed understanding of what nature wants to do given a chance after man has devastated the landscape and the stark realization that its the people who live there who will work the land and make this happen.

As we commemorate the Diamond Jubilee, join Pravin’s batch-mates and other IITK alumni along with numerous folks in the Pune area who have visited and pitched in as 14 Trees. 10,000 trees are already planted in the names of our teachers and fellow alumni. Support a pond, plant a tree or just come and visit - it will help you with understanding your inheritance, contemplate your legacy and choose your personal act of hope.

Prof. Abhay Karandikar0
Prof. Abhay Karandikar1

Vishal SharmaPrincipal, Metanoia, Inc.

“As someone who has thought often about the world we are creating: for ourselves and leaving for the future generations (our children and, eventually, grand-kids), Project 14 Trees is perfectly aligned with my philosophy - to leave the world better than we found it - to restore part of Nature, our heritage, and our native eco-systems, forests, and species, and demonstrate to people that IT CAN  BE DONE! Indeed to have a green, verdant, flourishing world, where people live in harmony with Nature, and respect and are grateful to Nature, and revel in what She has to provide. And, of course, I want to keep eating jamuns into my 90s (God willing)! ”

Trading Latte’s for Jamuns!0

Prof. Rajesh GopakumarDirector, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences/TIFR

“It is a very tangible and meaningful way in which each of us as IITK alums can do our bit to reverse the degradation of the environment that we see all around us and whose consequences we are now seeing unfold.

I was and remain really, really impressed with 14 Trees vision and execution, and will be happy to support this project in whatever way I can.”

Prof Rajesh Gopakumar, iitk-djc0
Prof Rajesh Gopakumar, iitk-djc1
Prof Rajesh Gopakumar, iitk-djc2

Dinesh SinghVenture Investor, Leo Capital

I am yet to meet someone who doesn't like trees. There is something about them that attracts us. For me, it's the tranquility, humility, stillness and a certain presence. However, the forest isn't only about trees, it's also about the breeze, the sound, the soil, the rawness and the life around it. And that's what fascinates me the most about 14trees. I needed to be there to really understand reforestation. I expected trees, but the overwhelming part was the life around it- the insects, earthworms, birds, spiders and the overall diversity. And the contrast was clear when you step out of 14trees area and move to neighbouring lands. You simply need to be there to observe it.

I feel extremely lucky to get introduced to Pravin and 14trees. In last many years, I have realized that "doing good" isn't that easy. I have tried doing something for social and environmental causes but how exactly to start or how really to make an impact are tough questions. All I did was donate money but even then I wasn't sure how was it utilized. Now with 14 trees, the opportunity came right into my lap. Extremely passionate people are solving the problems so I simply need to choose a way to help, and start doing it. There are multiple dimensions of reforestation problems- alignment of locals, sustainability, employment of local tribals, ecological research and knowledge, govt participation etc. Pravin and his team has done the hard work to come a stage where people like me can contribute in different ways. Like Pravin says, it's an open source project and I can add my own colors to it. I thank the team for building this platform even when it's so difficult to imagine what they have gone through to come this far. This was aptly put by my friend who commented after visiting the site that "you can't build something like this only by love or passion for nature, this requires strong stubborn nature and unshakable belief".

Wishing the team very best, and hope I can continue to contribute.

Dinesh Singh0

Pushpendra SijairyaCo-Founder, CarryMates

It has been wonderful experiences visiting '14 Trees' site on multiple occasions. Every experience is new, enriching and the site is so vast that anyone would be attracted to visit multiple times. We have alway enjoyed the hospitality, tours given by Pravin Bhagwat Ji to explain everything about the site, chitchat with fellow IITK Alumni and not to forget the breakfast, lunch and tea mostly made from home-grown things.

Thank you for taking up such a large scale and much needed endeavour to convert a barren land into an ecologically sustainable forest. It is an exemplary example set by '14 Trees' to see, feel and learn how it can be done. I see it as something extraordinary done by a generation to inspire the future generations. My humble appeal to whoever is reading this - It is an opportunity in front of us to be a part of this endeavour in whichever way you can.

Pushpendra testimonial0

Prof. Shashank MehtaComputer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

“We know dense forests are being denuded and water ponds are being occupied to construct houses. This is the story all over the country. But I did not know that forest departments were planting mostly fast growing, non-native species which don’t help in restoring damaged ecology. I cannot elaborate here however I want to say that only a conscientious private individuals will have to take on the task of healing mother earth. Fourteen Tree Foundation has done nothing less than a miracle. Anybody who has visited the site, would want to revisit to witness a jungle coming up on dead soil. Please visit at least once. And if you can afford then contribute.”

Prof. Shashank Mehta0

Prof. A. RaghuramMathematics, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER), Pune

14 Trees is simply an awesome place.. 

..I was so very impressed by all the research that has gone into local varieties of trees native to the Sahyadris, not to mention researching and identifying them by their local (Marathi and/or Hindi) names. 

The idea of having a plot of trees honoring our professors from IITK is wonderful. I also think that having plots of trees for the various groups (batches, hostels, hostel-wings) of the nearly 40,000+ IITK alumni is an excellent idea since it gives a lot of impetus to future tree-planting. 

After a visit to the 14 Trees Farm one feels a deep sense of connection to the Earth and for the spirituality behind the effort of planting and nurturing thousands of trees, while providing means of livelihood to the local villagers. How true when the Japanese farmer and philosopher Masanobu Fukuoka said that "the ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." 


Prof. Hari SahasrabuddheComputer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

“I want to see not just a tree but a whole grove named after Dr. P. K. Kelkar who built IITK for all of us, but my resources are limited.


I have one last thing to say to anyone your appeal can reach and who is thinking about walking away – please visit the development. Even if you still don't join, you'll know what you are turning away from, and you will have spent a great day anyhow.”

Prof. Hari Sahasrabuddhe0
Prof. Hari Sahasrabuddhe1
Prof. Hari Sahasrabuddhe2

Prof. Prashant KumarMechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur (currently, COEP Pune)

We all understand the importance of having more trees to recover our ecological balance. A very healthy initiative has been taken by 14 Trees Foundation. I visited their site about 60 km from Pune in January 2020. ..I felt elated and enthusiastic about this wonderful initiative. Further, I felt very satisfied to realise that each and every paisa of my contribution would be fully utilised.

Prof. Prashant Kumar0
Prof. Prashant Kumar1
Prof. Prashant Kumar2

Prof. Rajat MoonaDirector, IIT Bhilai; Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

“The efforts of 14 trees foundations of planation of trees to celebrate the diamond jubilee of IIT Kanpur is a noble cause. Not only it transforms barren lands into sustainable ecosystems with green forests but also proliferates the name of my alma mater as well as my karma bhoomi. I would like to see this effort growing and in a small but very impactful manner each alumnus to participate in this.

This is perhaps the best legacy that we can leave behind to have our imprint on this land and for the generations to see the name of IIT Kanpur flying high.”

Prof. Rajat Moona0

Ranodeb RoyCEO, R V Capital

For 50 + years we have learnt to benefit ourselves from the world through technology.. faster stronger better. Its time to think about leaving the world better cleaner healthier. 14 trees gives a simple way for us to do that.

Ranodeb Roy 0
Ranodeb Roy 1

Prof. Y. R. WaghmarePhysics, IIT Kanpur

It is a pleasure to walk on the hills of 14 Trees project site looking at the blue sky overhead and a valley of green vegetation below .The hills are full of medicinal plants and trees .There is a deep well with plentiful of water. We both have visited the place, loved the idea of restoring back the ecological balance by planting more indigenous useful trees! We wholeheartedly support this initiative and wish 14 Trees project big success!

Prof. Y. R. Waghmare0
Prof. Y. R. Waghmare1